Our Services
Occupational Therapy
If your quality of life has been affected by an injury, concussion, or mental health condition, an Occupational Therapist (OT) can support you to reclaim the activities you love, and the life roles that are important to you.
Hospital discharge support and home safety equipment
Cognitive behavioural therapy for anxiety, depression, insomnia
Concussion rehab, cognitive training
Ergonomic assessment and equipment prescription
Graduated return to work (GRTW) planning and support
Chronic pain management
Exposure therapy
1 on 1 Kinesiology and Active Rehab
Support you to build your strength and get moving safely after an injury. Imagine your own personal trainer with a university education in using exercise to recover after an injury. Gym, pool, or home based 1:1 sessions.
Exercise Rehabilitation
Spinal Stabilization Exercise Training
Cardiovascular Exercise Training
Active Conditioning
Personal Care Assistance (PCA)
An Occupational Therapist can complete a PCA assessment to determine your eligibility for ICBC personal care assistance benefit entitlement. This may include support for activities of daily living:
Transfers and Mobility
Or Instrumental activities of daily living:
Meal preparation
Yard work
The Process
A step-by-step guide on how an occupational therapist works with ICBC to assess your needs, develop a personalized treatment plan, and connect you with additional rehabilitation services.
1. Approval & Initial Assessment
An OT will contact your ICBC Recovery Specialist to request approval for an assessment. The OT will complete an initial assessment with you to get to know you and how your symptoms affect your life.
2. Initial Assessment Report
The OT then reviews the results of the assessments to develop a short and long-term rehabilitation plan, ensuring that the plan is relevant to your needs. An assessment report provides data that informs ICBC what will be required with your treatment. This may include OT sessions, personal care assistance, or equipment.
3. Treatment Plan Submission
The treatment plan will be submitted to your Recovery Specialist to obtain the services you require for your rehabilitation. Your treatment may involve weekly home or community based sessions with an occupational therapist.
4. Collaboration with Kinesiologist
As part of your rehab plan, your OT may connect you with a kinesiologist for gym, pool, or home-based sessions pending ICBC approval.
Reach Out to Us
Call, Text, or Message to talk to an OT. We'll review your case and connect you with an occupational therapist within 24 hours.