
BC Rebate for Accessible Home Adaptations

The BC Rebate for Accessible Home Adaptations (BC RAHA) gives rebates to help with the cost of making home adaptations to make your home more accessible and safer. Some adaptations need a completed assessment from an Occupational Therapist (OT). For a complete list of adaptations that need an assessment, please see the BC RAHA Maximum Rebate Schedule.


What is a home assessment and why do I need one?

A home assessment by a health care professional can help identify special equipment, design features and ways to make your home safer and more accessible an in-home assessment carefully considers the layout and features of your home with information about your disability or ability loss. An assessment identifies areas that could benefit from changes that allow you to continue living safely in your home as long as possible. Some recommendations may be simple like moving furniture to clear walking paths. Reducing your fall risk is a good start. By removing items that block your walking paths, you can improve mobility in your home without any extra cost. Other recommendations may need more effort. You may have to buy equipment or hire a contractor to make home adaptations. This is where BC RAHA helps. The home assessment findings can be used to assist with planning and help guide decisions and discussions. This makes sure any adaptations made to your home will meet your needs.

Note: If you pay for a private assessment, BC RAHA will provide you with a rebate of up to $250. Even if you do not qualify for the program or do not have any adaptations done.

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