

Occupational therapists role

What Is An Occupational Therapist’s Role In Your ICBC Claim?

An occupational therapist (OT) is there to help you make a plan following your accident. An OT is also required to complete an assessment to receive personal care assistance from ICBC for eligible clients. The road to recovery is different for everyone, and OTs are there to help you return to your daily routines and … Read more

Concussions are serious head injuries

Concussions Are Serious Head Injuries

The word concussion is loosely thrown around to describe a “less serious” head injury which is far from the truth! Any type of head injury—minor or large—should be taken seriously. There are several studies that show that many individuals mistakingly undermine the severity of a brain injury when the term “concussion” is used. For example, … Read more

Need a New Approach to Your Chronic Pain

Do You Need a New Approach to Your Chronic Pain?

-Have you been told that your pain is due to your age? -Have you been told that you will be in pain for the rest of your life? -Have you been told to keep stretching and your pain will go away? You need a new approach to your pain with occupational therapy Chronic pain is … Read more